Cat names often reflect the cat’s personality or may be chosen by the owner because of their similarity to something else, such as a relative’s name.
The most popular cat names in history have changed over time, with some names staying popular for centuries while others become popular for a short period.
Names like “Mittens,” “Whiskers,” “Smudge”, and “Buttons” have all made it to the list of most popular cat names in history.
Everyone knows that when looking for a new pet’s name, it’s easier to browse by letter.
Here is a list of cat names starting with S.
I’ve tried to cover as much ground as possible when making name lists so that you have loads of ideas, drawing inspiration from celebrities, pop culture, literature, history, film, nature, and the culinary world to create this collection.
I hope you enjoy reading through these ideas as much as I enjoyed finding them.
Cat Names Starting With S
- S’more
- Saab
- Saanvi
- Saavik
- Saba
- Sabah
- Sabbath
- Sabella
- Saber
- Saber-Tooth
- Sabian
- Sabina
- Sabine
- Sable
- Sabra
- Sabre Tooth
- Sabria
- Sabrina
- Sacco
- Sachiko
- Sachin
- Sackett
- Sacko
- Sada
- Sadaka
- Sadhi
- Sadie
- Sado
- Sadora
- Safari
- Saffi
- Saffiare
- Saffron
- Saffy
- Safi
- Safram
- Saga
- Sagan
- Sage
- Sagebrush
- Sagwa
- Sahara
- Sahiba
- Sail
- Sailor
- Sailor Jerry
- Saint
- Saint Clair
- Saison
- Sake
- Saki
- Sakura
- Sal
- Salamander
- Salem
- Salerno
- Salia
- Sallie
- Sally
- Salma
- Salmon
- Salmonberry
- Salom
- Salome
- Salon
- Saloon
- Salsa
- Salter
- Saltie
- Salty
- Salvador
- Salvador Dali
- Salvatore
- Salvia
- Salvio
- Sam
- Samantha
- Samba
- Sambo
- Sambrina
- Sambuca
- Samflash
- Sami
- Samitha
- Sammi
- Sammie
- Sammsa
- Sammy
- Samori
- Samson
- Samuel
- Samuel Adams
- Samurai
- Samus Aran
- Samwise
- Sanani
- Sanborn
- Sancho
- Sand Rat
- Sanders
- Sandie
- Sandler
- Sandman
- Sandoval
- Sandra
- Sandrine
- Sandstone
- Sandstorm
- Sandy
- Sandy Claws
- Sangria
- Santa
- Santal
- Santana
- Santaria
- Santi
- Santiago
- Santini
- Santo
- Saoirse
- Saphi
- Sapling
- Sapphire
- Sappho
- Sapporo
- Sara
- Sarabeth
- Sarabi
- Sarafina
- Sarah
- Sarahi
- Sarasota
- Sarek
- Sarge
- Sargent
- Sarha
- Sari
- Sarina
- Sarsaparilla
- Sascha
- Sasche
- Sasha
- Sashimi
- Sasquach
- Sasquatch
- Sass
- Sassafras
- Sassea
- Sassette
- Sassy
- Sasuke
- Satan
- Satay
- Satellite
- Sati
- Satin
- Satine
- Satire
- Sativa
- Satori
- Saturday
- Saturn
- Saucy
- Sausage
- Savage
- Savanna
- Savannah
- Savernake
- Savoy
- Savvy
- Saxon
- Saxton
- Say
- Sayonara
- Scallion
- Scallop
- Scamp
- Scamper
- Scampi
- Scampurr
- Scandalous
- Scar
- Scaredy
- Scarface
- Scarfy
- Scarlet
- Scarlet Tanager
- Scarlett
- Scary
- Scat
- Scat Cat
- Schatzie
- Schizo
- Schmack
- Schmedl
- Schmeichel
- Schmoo
- Schmooze
- Schmoozer
- Schmuckie
- Schnapps
- Schnee
- Schnitzel
- Schooner
- Schroeder
- Schubert
- Schuler
- Schultzie
- Schuyler
- Schwartz
- Schwarz
- Schwarzkopf
- Schwazili
- Schweppes
- Scintilla
- Scissor
- Scissors
- Sco
- Scoff
- Scone
- Scoobie
- Scoobs
- Scooby
- Scooby-Doo
- Scoopy
- Scooter
- Scorpio
- Scorpion
- Scotch
- Scott
- Scottie
- Scotty
- Scoundrel
- Scout
- Scrapper
- Scrappy
- Scratch
- Scratchy
- Scrawny
- Scrawny Cat
- Screamer
- Screech
- Screwtop
- Scribbles
- Scrissie
- Scrooge
- Scruff
- Scruffy
- Scuba
- Scudder
- Scully
- Scuma
- Scumble
- Scutter
- Scuttle
- Scuzzface
- Scylla
- Sea Breeze
- Sea Lion
- Seabreeze
- Seagram’s
- Seal
- Seamus
- Sean
- Seanna
- Seargent
- Seascape
- Seashell
- Season
- Seattle
- Sebastian
- Sebbys
- Sedona Sage
- Sedum
- Seeds
- Seeger
- Sefton
- Sega
- Seger
- Segun
- Seiko
- Seinfeld
- Seka
- Sekmet
- Sela
- Selby
- Selda
- Selena
- Selene
- Selenium
- Selig
- Selina
- Selkie
- Selma
- Seltzer
- Seminole
- Seneca
- Seney Stretch
- Senior
- Senna
- Senneca
- Sensei
- Sephie
- Sepia
- September (Earth Wind and Fire)
- Sequoia
- Sera
- Serai
- Seraphim
- Seraphina
- Seren
- Serena
- Serenade
- Serendipity
- Serengeti
- Serenity
- Serge
- Sergeant
- Sergeant Pepper
- Sergei
- Sergio
- Serrano
- Serve
- Sesame
- Sesi
- Set
- Seth
- Settete
- Seurat
- Seuss
- Seven
- Seven & Seven
- Seven of Nine
- Severus
- Seville
- Sevvie
- Sevyn
- Seward
- Seychelles
- Seymour
- Sfumato
- Sha Ka Ree
- Shack
- Shad
- Shada
- Shade
- Shadi
- Shadow
- Shady
- Shaft
- Shaggy
- Shah
- Shakaar
- Shakes
- Shakespeare
- Shakespurr
- Shakira
- Shale
- Shalimar
- Shalom
- Shaman
- Shammy
- Shamrock
- Shamrocka
- Shamu
- Shamus
- Shandi
- Shandy
- Shane
- Shania
- Shannon
- Shanti
- Share
- Shark
- Sharkey
- Sharky
- Sharlynn
- Sharni
- Sharona
- Sharp
- Sharpie
- Shasta
- Shatner
- Shawn
- Shawnee
- Shay
- Shayna
- Shaynie
- Shaynmeister
- Shazbot
- Shazo
- Shazzam
- Sheeber
- Sheena
- Sheep
- Sheer
- Sheera
- Sheeran
- Sheeva
- Sheffield
- Shego
- Shegwah
- Sheila
- Shelby
- Sheldon
- Shell
- Shelley
- Shelly
- Shelton
- Shenzhao
- Sheppard
- Sherbert
- Shere Khan
- Sheridan
- Sheriff
- Sheringham
- Sherlock
- Sherly
- Sherlyn
- Sherman
- Sherry
- Sherwin
- Sherwood
- Shiko
- Shiksa
- Shila
- Shiloh
- Shima
- Shimmer
- Shimmy
- Shine
- Shingles
- Shingy
- Shining Star
- Shiraz
- Shirley
- Shirley Temple
- Shit
- Shitty Kitty
- Shiva
- Shmendrick
- Shooter
- Shore
- Shorts
- Shorttail
- Shorty
- Shoshone
- Shotgun
- Shotzie
- Shotzy
- Shout
- Showdy
- Showoff
- Shredder
- Shreen
- Shrek
- Shrimp
- Shuana
- Shubert
- Shuffin
- Shuggy
- Shuttle
- Shy
- Sia
- Siam
- Siamese
- Siamsa
- Siani
- Sibyl
- Siciliano
- Sicily
- Sid
- Sidecar
- Sidney
- Siegfried
- Sienna
- Siepie
- Siera
- Sierra
- Sierra Nevada
- Sif
- Sigma
- Sigmund
- Sigurd
- Silas
- Silhouette (maybe Ettie for short)
- Silicone
- Silk
- Silkers
- Silkwood
- Silkworth
- Silky
- Silly
- Silva
- Silver
- Silverstein
- Silvester
- Silvia
- Silvie
- Silvina
- Simba
- Simbad
- Simi
- Simon
- Simone
- Simons
- Simpatico
- Simpson
- Sin
- Sinatra
- Sinbad
- Sinbar
- Sinclair
- Sinder
- Sine
- Sinead
- Singer
- Sinister
- Sinker
- Sinoe
- Sir
- Sir Elton
- Siren
- Sirius
- Sirius Black
- Sisal
- Sisco
- Sisko
- Sissy
- Sister
- Sita
- Sitar
- Sito
- Sixer
- Sixlets
- Skadi
- Skate
- Skeeder
- Skeet
- Skeeter
- Skegemog
- Skeksis (from the Dark Crystal)
- Sketch
- Skidder
- Skids
- Skinner
- Skip
- Skipper
- Skippy
- Skitter
- Skittle
- Skittlehead
- Skittles
- Skitty
- Skol
- Skor
- Skowl the Startling
- Skrawny
- Skunk
- Skunkers
- Skunky
- Sky
- Skye
- Skyla
- Skylar
- Skyler
- Skymble
- Skyrocket
- Skyttles
- Skywalker
- Skyy
- Slammer
- Slash
- Slasher
- Slate
- Slax
- Slayer
- Sleater-Kinney (for one or two cats!)
- Sleek
- Sleeping Bear
- Sleepy
- Slice
- Slick
- Slicker
- Slickers
- Slicks
- Slickster
- Slider
- Slim
- Slinker
- Slinky
- Slippers
- Slippery
- Slither
- Sloane
- Sloopy
- Sloppy
- Sloth
- Slugger
- Sluggo
- Slurp
- Slush
- Slut Cat
- Sly
- Sly Boy
- Smartie
- Smarty
- Smash
- Smasher
- Smaug
- Smedly
- Smidge
- Smidgen
- Smidgeons
- Smidget
- Smiles
- Smiley
- Smirnoff
- Smith
- Smitty
- Smizza
- Smog
- Smoka
- Smoke
- Smoker
- Smokey
- Smokey Robinson
- Smokie
- Smoky
- Smores
- Smuckers
- Smudge
- Smudges
- Smulan
- Smurfette
- Smushy
- Smutley
- Snack
- Snaggle
- Snags
- Snaker
- Snakers
- Snap
- Snape
- Snapes
- Snapper
- Snappy
- Snapshot
- Snarl
- Snarley
- Snazzy
- Sneakers
- Sneaky
- Sneaky Joe
- Sneezy
- Snicker
- Snickerdoodle
- Snickers
- Snide
- Sniff
- Sniffer
- Sniffles
- Snifter
- Sniper
- Snippet
- Snit
- Snitch
- Snooker
- Snookie
- Snookles
- Snooks
- Snooky
- Snoop
- Snooper
- Snoops
- Snorky
- Snorter
- Snots
- Snow
- Snow White
- Snowball
- Snowball (black cat from the Simpsons)
- Snowdrop
- Snowflake
- Snowie
- Snowman
- Snowshoe
- Snowshoes
- Snuff
- Snuffles
- Snuffy
- Snug
- Sobby
- Socks
- Socrates
- Socs
- Soda
- Soda Popinski
- Sofia
- Soft
- Soji
- Sok
- Sol
- Solan
- Solar
- Soleil
- Solie
- Solitaire
- Solo
- Solomon
- Solstice
- Soluna
- Sombra
- Sonar
- Sonata
- Song
- Sonia
- Sonic
- Sonja
- Sonnet
- Sonny
- Sonoma
- Sonora
- Sonta
- Sony
- Sonya
- Soo
- Sook
- Sookie
- Sooner
- Soong
- Soosh
- Soot
- Sooty
- Sophia
- Sophie
- Sophie (short for sophisticated)
- Soprano
- Sorassa
- Sorbet
- Sorrel
- Sorry
- Sotheby
- Souffle
- Soup
- Sour Patch
- Southern Comfort
- Sox
- Soxy
- Spacecat
- Spacey
- Spackman
- Spade
- Spades
- Spaette
- Spaghetti
- Spago
- Spam
- Spamela
- Spandex
- Spangle
- Spanky
- Spare
- Sparkey
- Sparkle
- Sparkles
- Sparky
- Sparrow
- Spartacus
- Spawn
- Special
- Speck
- Speckie
- Speckle
- Speckles
- Specks
- Specs
- Specter
- Spectra
- Spectrum
- Speed
- Speedie
- Speedy
- Spell
- Spellbound
- Spelunk
- Spencer
- Spenser
- Sphinx
- Spiccoli
- Spice
- Spices
- Spicy
- Spider
- Spidey
- Spiff
- Spiffy
- Spigot
- Spike
- Spikey
- Spinach
- Spiner
- Spinner
- Spinoza
- Spinster
- Spirea
- Spirit
- Spitfire
- Spitsey
- Splash
- Splasher
- Splat
- Splendor
- Spliff
- Splinter
- Splish
- Splodge
- Splotch
- Splotches
- Spluge
- Spock
- Spokane
- Sponge
- Spongebob
- Spoofy
- Spooge
- Spook
- Spooky
- Sport
- Sporty
- Spot
- Spreana
- Spreckles
- Spree
- Sprig
- Spring
- Springer
- Springsteen
- Sprinkle
- Sprinkles
- Sprite
- Spritzer
- Sprocket
- Sprout
- Spruce
- Spud
- Spuds
- Spudster
- Spunky
- Spur
- Sputnik
- Sputz
- Sputza
- Spy
- Spy Hunter
- Spyder
- Spyro
- Squab
- Squall
- Squash
- Squashini
- Squat
- Squawks
- Squeak
- Squeaky
- Squeezy
- Squib
- Squibbly
- Squid
- Squid Kid
- Squidge
- Squidward
- Squinky
- Squirrel
- Squirt
- Squishy
- Squit
- Squitter
- Sriracha
- St Germain
- Staccato
- Stacey
- Stache
- Stackhouse
- Stacy
- Stag
- Stage
- Stain
- Stallone
- Stan
- Stanley
- Star
- Star Dream
- Star Fox
- Starbuck
- Starburst
- Starcraft
- Stardate
- Stardew
- Starfleet
- Starflower
- Stargazer
- Stark
- Starkey
- Starlet
- Starlight
- Starling
- Starman
- Starry
- Starship
- Static
- Stauby
- Stealth
- Steamer
- Steave
- Stedman
- Steely Dan
- Stefano
- Stefany
- Stefean
- Steinbeck
- Steinway
- Stella
- Stella Artois
- Stellar
- Stephanie
- Stephen
- Stephen King
- Stereo
- Sterling
- Steve
- Stevie
- Stevie Ray
- Stevie Wonder
- Stew
- Stewart
- Stich
- Stick
- Sticky
- Sticky Boots (Short’s IPA)
- Stiffy
- Sting
- Stingray
- Stink
- Stinker
- Stinky
- Stitch
- Stolen
- Stoli
- Stoner
- Stoney
- Stony
- Stopper
- Storm
- Storm/Stormy
- Stormcloud
- Stormcloud (brewery)
- Stormie
- Stormy
- Stout
- Stranger
- Stratosphere
- Strawberry
- Stray
- Stress
- Stretch
- Stribe
- Strider
- Strike
- Striker
- String
- Stripe
- Stroker
- Stroodles
- Struan
- Strudel
- Strutter
- Stuart
- Stubborn
- Stubbs
- Stubbs (Museum Bar)
- Stubby
- Stud
- Stump
- Stumpy
- Stupid
- Styx
- Sublime
- Subzero
- Sue
- Sue Saint Marie
- Suede
- Sufjan
- Sugar
- Sugar Cube
- Sugar Loaf
- Sugar Ray
- Sugarloaf
- Sugie
- Suitcase
- Suki
- Sulfur
- Sullivan
- Sully
- Sultan
- Sultana
- Sulu
- Sumatra
- Sumi
- Summer
- Summit
- Sumo
- Sun
- Sun Drop
- Sundae
- Sundance
- Sunday
- Sundown
- Sunflower
- Suni
- Sunkiss
- Sunkist
- Sunni
- Sunnie
- Sunny
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Sunshine
- Super
- Super Macho Man
- Superior
- Supertramp
- Suranne
- Surf
- Surly
- Survivor
- Susan
- Susanna
- Sushi
- Susie
- Suss
- Sussy
- Sutton
- Suzette
- Suzi
- Suzie
- Suzy
- Svedka
- Sven
- Svenn
- Swami
- Swampy
- Swan
- Swanky
- Swanky Kong
- Swayze
- Sweathog
- Swede
- Swedish
- Sweeny
- Sweep
- Sweet
- Sweet Baby Ray
- Sweet Caroline
- Sweet Potato
- Sweet-tart
- Sweetheart
- Sweetie
- Sweetpea
- Swimmer
- Swiss
- Switch
- Switchfoot
- Swizzle
- Sybil
- Sycamore
- Sycko
- Sydney
- Sydni
- Sylmony
- Sylvester
- Sylvia
- Sylvie
- Symba
- Sympathy
- Symphony
- Synda
- Syndrome
- Synergy
- Syntax
- Syracuse
- Syrah
- Syrup
If you’re a new cat owner or looking to be one in the future, now is a great time to check out our top tips for new cat owners.
More cat name ideas:
Are you a cat lover looking for the purrfect name for your feline friend? Check out our complete archive of cat name posts for inspiration and ideas!
Or, for a quick alternative, check out these pages:
Cat Names Starting With C – 634 Of The Best
Cat Names Starting With F – 417 Of The Best
Cat Names Starting With R – 454 Of The Best