Do Ragdoll Cats Shed A Lot? Everything You Need To Know

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Do you want to get a Ragdoll cat and wonder if it is normal for them to shed their fur?

Key Takeaways

  • Ragdolls are known for shedding less than other breeds but still require regular grooming. The extent of shedding varies depending on factors like diet, health, and season.
  • Regular brushing helps manage shedding by removing loose hairs and preventing them from spreading throughout your home. It is especially essential for long-haired breeds like Ragdolls, whose fur easily tangles. Recommended grooming tools, including special brushes and gloves, can make the task easier.
  • Diet plays a significant role in the quality of your cat’s fur and, consequently, the amount of shedding. Stress can cause excessive shedding, while age and seasonal changes impact shedding patterns.
  • Outdoor cats experience more pronounced seasonal shedding due to exposure to varying climate conditions, while indoor cats tend to shed hair less drastically, particularly in air-conditioned environments.

Read on to discover why they shed and how you can minimise the impact on your life.

Table of Contents

Shedding In Ragdoll Cats

Ragdoll cats are a specific breed with a fur pattern associated with the group of tabby cats (read more about tabby cats here).

Ragdolls are no different to most cats that shed their fur. 

The amount your cat sheds will depend on their diet, health, the season and other reasons explained below.

However, Ragdoll cats are known not to shed as much as other breeds.

Shedding By Season

Ragdolls shed more in the spring and autumn months.

This reflects the temperature change and mainly affects cats who spend a lot of time outdoors.

In spring, cats shed their thicker undercoat that keeps them warm during winter. With this heavier coat gone, they can keep their bodies cooler in the summer months.

Ragdolls will lose fur all year round. The shedding intensity depends on the season. Twice a year, they change their entire coats.

Indoor cats are less affected by the change in season, read more below.

Some cats can suffer from skin irritation due to dry winter conditions and the lack of humidity in our homes. Other cats may have allergies to tree or grass pollen which can cause skin problems during months when pollen levels are high. These skin issues can cause heavier shedding.


Cats should always be fed a quality, balanced diet.

Although most readily available cat food will have a suitable balance of ingredients, it is still possible for cats to become deficient in specific nutrients. Vitamins A, E and B are necessary to produce and maintain healthy fur; when a cat does not get enough of these, they can shed more than usual.

All cats need plenty of protein to maintain healthy fur. Some dry foods have less protein than wet foods, which often have a higher meat content. If your cat is shedding excessively, switching to a mix of wet and dry food or entirely to wet food could improve this.

Many different food options are available, so experimenting with different ones can help find the right food for your cat to improve their coat, reduce shedding and generally keep your Ragdoll healthy.

Keeping hydrated also keeps your cat’s fur healthy. Read our article to find out how much your cat should drink daily and regularly check your Ragdoll is drinking enough.

Stress and Shedding

If your cat is stressed, they may shed large amounts of fur in clumps.

There are many reasons your cat could be stressed, and it doesn’t always mean something is medically wrong with your cat.

Cats can become stressed from location changes. Bringing a new cat into your home can be stressful. Here are tips on introducing a new cat into your home. This is especially true for rescue cats with issues or a troubled past.

ragdoll cat relaxing in bed

Loud noises can be stressful for cats. This can include loud music, excessive traffic noise and thunderstorms. Reducing background noise can help if your cat is shedding lots of fur.

Giving your cat a space to relax and feel safe is important to their overall health and wellbeing, not just to limit how much they shed.


Most healthy adult cats rarely require a bath as they regularly groom themselves.

Some older or overweight cats may have difficulty bathing themselves and may need occasional baths to remove dirt and loose hair.

Cats with certain health conditions, such as skin allergies, may be prescribed frequent baths with medicated shampoo as part of their treatment.

Cats should only be bathed with a specially formulated shampoo designed for use on cats. Cat skin has a different pH, so human shampoo should not be used. Even baby shampoo is too harsh for cats.

Cats will groom themselves after a bath, so all traces of any shampoo must be thoroughly rinsed out so your cat does not consume any residue that could cause them harm.

Indoor vs Outdoor

There is a big difference in the amount that indoor cats shed compared to outdoor cats.

This is because outdoor cats have more exposure to changing climate conditions such as temperature, sunlight and weather.

ragdoll outside in long grass

Outdoor cats will naturally shed more in the summer to help them stay cool in the hotter temperatures. They will also build a thicker undercoat during winter when temperatures are cooler.

Indoor cats do not have to deal with the same conditions as much, especially in countries where air conditioning is standard.

Age & Gender

Older cats tend to shed more than younger cats. A Ragdoll kitten will not

This naturally occurring increase in shedding will become evident as your cat ages.

Pregnant female cats also shed more than they usually do.


Shedding is normal for most cats; illness often reduces how much they shed.

If your cat is shedding less than usual, they may have developed a health issue that a vet should check out.

How to Stop My Ragdoll From Shedding

Ragdolls are known for their beautiful, long coats, but the problem of shedding comes with that.

If you’re a prospective cat owner considering bringing a Ragdoll cat into your home, you’ll want to know what you can do about this.

You cannot stop your Ragdoll from shedding fur completely. But if you are tired of constantly finding cat hair all over your clothes and furniture, there are several steps you can take to reduce shedding in your Ragdoll cat.

Grooming Your Ragdoll

Brushing your cat is one of the best ways to help reduce excessive shedding.

Cats will need brushing in different amounts depending on their breed. Read on to learn which breeds shed more than others.

Brushing regularly removes longer hairs and ones ready to fall out anyway. This will prevent fur from falling on your carpet, furniture and clothing.

Long-haired cats don’t shed as much as short-haired breeds. Brushing longer-haired cats can be more challenging as their fur easily tangles.

Brushes To Help With Shedding

A good cat brush is important to stop your ragdoll from leaving fur around our house.

These brushes are very effective and a favourite for cats who dislike brushing. They are the perfect size, remove a lot of fur and leave your cat’s fur soft and fluffy.

For cats that don’t like normal brushes, these gloves can help your cat get used to being groomed.

Some other ways to reduce your Ragdoll cats shedding include:

  • Bathe your cat at least once a month
  • Change your cat’s diet
  • Keep your cat hydrated
  • Give your cat a stress-free environment

Why Do Some Cats Shed More Hair Than Others

Some breeds of cats shed more than others, but why is this?

This is because cats have different layers of fur, and many breeds are double or even triple-layered.

Cats have a mixture of:-

  • Down hair
  • Awn hair
  • Guard hair

Down hair is their thick undercoat which insulates and keeps them warm in the winter.  Awn hair makes up most of the cat’s visible hairs, contributes to coat colour, and helps protect down hairs. Guard hairs are coarse and thicker and help keep your cat dry.

Cats with thick winter coats will shed a larger amount of hair in spring than others.

Cat Breeds That Shed More

Below is a list of breeds which tend to shed more than others:-

Cat Breeds That Don’t Shed As Much

Are Ragdoll Cats Hypoallergenic?

Ragdoll cats are not hypoallergenic. If you are sensitive to cat fur or allergic to cats, you may struggle to own a Ragdoll.

Like all cats, Ragdolls produce the Fel d1 protein in their saliva, hair and urine. This protein is what triggers allergic reactions.

Ragdoll cats are no different to other cat breeds in producing this protein. However, they will spread it around your home by shedding.

It is also present on their skin and saliva, increasing the risk of allergies. 

Related: Are Ragdoll Cats Hypoallergenic?

How To Minimise Allergies

  • Change clothing and bedding regularly
  • Vacuum regularly
  • Clean out litter tray often
  • Use an air filter
  • Wash hands regularly
  • Change carpets to solid flooring

Best Cat Breeds For Allergy Sufferers

No cats are truly hypoallergenic but these breeds can be better for allergy sufferers:

  • Sphynx
  • Siberian
  • Bengal

How To Remove Ragdoll Cat Fur From Carpet

If you have a Ragdoll cat, you’ll know that a lot of the hair they shed ends up on the floor.

If you have carpets in your home, it will seem like no matter how much you vacuum, the hair doesn’t go away!

That’s where a handheld carpet scraper comes in handy. This little tool will easily brush all the cat hair out of your carpet so you can vacuum it up. You will be amazed at how easy it is and how much hair appears when you use it.

Final Thoughts

Ragdolls do shed like all other cats.

The amount your cat sheds will depend on their diet, health, the season and other reasons explained above.

However, Ragdoll cats are known for shedding less than other breeds. This makes Ragdolls a better choice for people with cat allergies than other cat breeds. However, no cats are allergen-free, so if you are heavily allergic to cat fur, think carefully before adopting or buying a Ragdoll.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Ragdoll cats leave hair everywhere?

Like all cats, Ragdoll cats will shed some fur throughout the year but typically shed less than other breeds. Regular grooming can help minimize the amount they shed and keep their coat healthy and shiny.

Are Ragdoll cats high maintenance?

While Ragdoll cats have thick coats requiring regular grooming, they are generally considered low-maintenance. They are typically healthy, easygoing, and adaptable to different living situations.

Do Ragdoll cats like to cuddle?

Yes, Ragdoll cats are known for their affectionate and playful nature, and many enjoy cuddling with their owners. They are generally social cats that enjoy spending time with people.

Are Ragdoll cats indoor cats?

Ragdoll cats can adapt to different living situations but are typically best suited to indoor living. They are intelligent, playful cats that enjoy having a variety of toys and activities to keep them entertained.

Are Ragdoll cats lazy?

Ragdoll cats are generally active and playful, but like all cats, they can have varying energy and activity levels. Some may be more active and playful than others, while others may prefer to lounge and relax.

Are male or female Ragdoll cats better?

The personality and behaviour of a cat are determined mainly by their temperament and personality rather than their sex. Both male and female Ragdoll cats may make excellent pets, and the best cat for you will depend on your lifestyle and preferences.

What issues do Ragdoll cats have?

Ragdoll cats are generally healthy and not prone to any specific health issues. However, like all cats, they may be susceptible to certain health problems such as dental, obesity, or respiratory problems.

What is the calmest cat breed?

While every cat is unique and has a personality, some breeds are generally known for being calmer and laid-back than others. Some of the calmest cat breeds include the Ragdoll, British Shorthair, Scottish Fold, and Persian. However, it’s important to note that every cat is an individual and may have their own temperament and energy level.

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