Do you want a laid-back, free-spirited name for your pet?
I’ve compiled this list of hippie and bohemian cat names to help.
Here are nearly 500 ideas to get you started finding the perfect boho cat name for your furry friend.
- Acacia
- Agra
- Aiken
- Alexandria
- Almond
- Alon
- Ambrosia
- Andromeda
- Angel
- Anise
- Apple
- Aqua
- Archer
- Ariel
- Arlo
- Arlo
- Arrow
- Arya
- Ash
- Asher
- Aspen
- Aster
- Astro
- Athena
- Aura
- Aurora
- Austin
- Autumn
- Avalanche
- Avocado
- Azalea
- Babe
- Baikal
- Bangle
- Banjo
- Barley
- Beadie
- Beans
- Bear
- Beatle
- Beatnik
- Beetle
- Begonia
- Bell
- Bengal
- Berry
- Birch
- Birk
- Biscuit
- Blaze
- Blizzard
- Blossom
- Blue
- Bluebell
- Bob
- Bobby
- Bodhi
- Bohemia
- Bowie
- Breeze
- Breeze/Breezy
- Breezy
- Briar
- Bro
- Broccoli
- Brook
- Brooklyn
- Bud
- Buddha
- Buttercup
- Butterfly
- Buzz
- Buzzy
- Byrd
- California
- Camelia
- Carol
- Cassidy
- Cassius
- Cat
- Cat Stevens
- Cedar
- Celeste
- Chakra
- Chelsea
- Cher
- Cherry
- Chickie
- Chile
- Clarity
- Clementine
- Cloud
- Clover
- Coconut
- Coffee
- Coral
- Coriander
- Cosmic
- Cosmos
- Cream
- Creedence
- Crimson
- Crosby
- Crystal
- Cynthia
- Cyprus
- Daddio
- Dahlia
- Daisy
- Dakota
- Daphne
- Dawn
- Daydream
- Deja
- Delta
- Denver
- Destiny
- Dew
- Dhaka
- Dharma
- Diggy
- Doobie
- Drake
- Dream
- Dreamcatcher
- Dubai
- Dublin
- Dude
- Dusk
- Dusty
- Dusty
- Dylan
- Eagle
- Eagle
- Earth
- Eartha
- Echo
- Eclipse
- Edea
- Eden
- Egypt
- Elm
- Elvis
- Ember
- Emerald
- Essense
- Everly
- Ezra
- Fae
- Faerie
- Faith
- Falafel
- Feather
- Felicity
- Felix
- Fern
- Fiji
- Flora
- Florence
- Flow
- Flower
- Floyd
- Floyd
- Forest
- Fox
- Foxy
- Freddie
- Free
- Freedom
- Freya
- Fuzz
- Gaia
- Galaxy
- Ganja
- Garcia
- Garfunkel
- Garfunkle
- Garlic
- Garnet
- Gem
- Genesis
- Ginger
- Giza
- Glow
- Groovy
- Guava
- Gypsy
- Haiti
- Halo
- Halycon
- Harley
- Harmony
- Harper
- Havana
- Haze
- Hazel
- Heart
- Heaven
- Heavens
- Hendrix
- Herb
- Hip
- Hipster
- Honey
- Honeysuckle
- Hope
- Hot Tuna
- Huckleberry
- Ice
- Incense
- Indianapolis
- Indica
- Indigo
- Indio
- Infinity
- Iris
- Ivory
- Izmir
- Jackson
- Jade
- Jagger
- Janice
- Janis
- Janis
- Jasmine
- Jay
- Jefferson
- Jerry
- Jerry Garcia
- Jewel
- Jimi
- Jimi
- Jive
- Joan
- Joaquin
- Johnny
- Jonah
- Joni
- Joplin
- Jordan
- Jorma
- Journey
- Joy
- Jude
- June
- Juniper
- Juno
- Kahlo
- Kai
- Kansas
- Karma
- Kimya
- Kinky
- Knoxville
- Koa
- Krishna
- Lake
- Laura
- Lavender
- Leaf
- Lemon
- Lennon
- Lennon
- Levi
- Liberty
- Lilac
- Lima
- London
- Lou
- Love
- Luna
- Lyric
- Madrid
- Magnolia
- Mama
- Mango
- Maple
- Marigold
- Marley
- Marley
- Mars
- Mary
- Maya
- McGee
- Meadow
- Mel
- Mellow
- Melody
- Mercury
- Mexico
- Midnight
- Mimsy
- Miracle
- Mirah
- Mist
- Misty
- Mitchell
- Monkey
- Moon
- Moonbeam
- Moonjava
- Moonstone
- Morning
- Moss
- Nairobi
- Nancy
- Nash
- Nash
- Nature
- Nevis
- Nico
- Nirvana
- Noodles
- North
- Nugget
- Nut
- Nutmeg
- Nutty
- Oak
- Oakley
- Ocean
- Olga
- Olive
- Opal
- Ophelia
- Orchid
- Orion
- Orleans
- Osaka
- Oslo
- Paisley
- Panama
- Pancake
- Pandora
- Paris
- Pasta
- Patchouli
- Peace
- Peach
- Pearl
- Peony
- Pepper
- Peru
- Petal
- Petunia
- Pheonix
- Phish
- Phoenix
- Pixie
- Poppy
- Prairie
- Primo
- Promise
- Psychedelic
- Pumpkin
- Queen
- Queens
- Quest
- Rain
- Rainey
- Rainbow
- Raindrop
- Rasta
- Raven
- Rebel
- Reef
- Ringo
- Rio
- Ritchie
- River
- Robin
- Rock
- Ronan
- Rosemary
- Rosie
- Saffron
- Sage
- Salty
- Sapphire
- Sativa
- Sequoia
- Serena
- Serenity
- Sergey
- Shadow
- Shalom
- Shanti
- Sid
- Sienna
- Sierra
- Silver
- Simon
- Simon
- Sky
- Skye
- Slug Bug
- Smokey
- Snow
- Snowflake
- Snowy
- Sonny
- Soren
- Sparrow
- Spirit
- Spring
- Spruce
- Star
- Starbright
- Stardust
- Starla
- Starlight
- Starr
- Starshine
- Steppenwolf
- Stone
- Stones
- Stoney
- Storm
- Sugar
- Sugaree
- Summer
- Sun
- Sunburst
- Sunflower
- Sunny
- Sunshine
- Sydney
- Tansy
- Tarot
- Tempeh
- Terra
- The Man
- Theo
- Thunder
- Thyme
- Tie-Dye
- Tofu
- Togo
- Tokyo
- Topaz
- Trey
- Trip
- Truckin
- Tulip
- Twila
- Twilight
- Unicorn
- Unity
- Uyo
- Vashti
- Veggie
- Venice
- Venus
- Vibe
- Vienna
- Violet
- Vishnu
- Washington
- Whisper
- Wildwind
- Willow
- Wind
- Windsong
- Winter
- Wolf
- Wonder
- Woodstock
- Woody
- Xander
- Xenia
- Yellow
- Yoga
- Yoko
- Yoko
- Yono
- Yuma
- Zara
- Zelda
- Zendaya
- Zennie
- Zip
- Zippy
- Ziva
- Ziwe
- Zoe
- Zoey
- Zoomer
- Zsa Zsa
We hope you enjoyed our list of over 480 ideas for hippie cat names.
If you’re a new cat owner or looking to be one in the future, now is a great time to check out our top tips for new cat owners.
More cat name ideas
Are you a cat lover looking for the purrfect name for your feline friend? Check out our entire archive of cat name posts for inspiration and ideas!
Or, for a quick alternative, check out these pages:
Female Cat Names – 653 Of The Best
Cat WiFi Names – 286 Of The Best
Swedish Cat Names – 297 Of The Best